Fusion Q&A with Martha Carter - No Scoliosis After Fusion?


In our April Newsletter, we launched a Fusion Q&A series. Every month since, Martha has answered an anonymous question about scoliosis fusions.


QUESTION: After I have the fusion surgery, does that mean that I won’t have scoliosis anymore?

ANSWER: Even in the most successful scoliosis correction surgeries, the surgery does not mean that the scoliosis is gone. Considering there is no known cause for scoliosis means that the correction does not solve the underlying root of the condition, as it is not understood!

Contemporary surgeries are generally very good at making the spine look straighter, however, it is difficult to correct the twists that always accompany the curves. This means that after surgery, there are still often visible signs of the asymmetry in the way of protruding ribs in the front, or ‘hump’ areas in the back.

Another thing to keep in mind is that following surgery, although the vertebrae may be better aligned, the ‘imprint’ and muscle patterns of the original scoliosis are usually still present. These patterns can take awhile to adjust, but physical therapy, particularly with a fusion specialist, can speed up this process.

Another reason to do focused body work following surgery is to develop the strength and awareness necessary to ensure that the vertebrae above and below the fusion stay as healthy as possible. This will help to avoid Adjacent Segment Disease (ASD) and the development of other compensatory curves from forming.