Posts tagged Surgery
Fusion Q&A with Martha Carter - “I'm Sick of Feeling Stiff!”

Following spinal fusion, most people are unsure about what exercises are safe for them. In fact, it is common for many to feel fearful about any and all movement, not to mention regular day-to-day activities. This is a completely normal reaction, as our previously twisted yet flexible spines become suddenly much straighter, and much less flexible. This change affects the entire body, mind and soul!

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Reflections On Our 'Fusion Wellness Weekend' Workshop

Bringing the element of writing into the workshop enabled us to think about fusions metaphorically: how, for instance, do we integrate mind and body in a way that feels holistic? When writing our own stories, how do we incorporate memory in a way that fuses what we remember with what we can no longer recall? Participants wrote their own stories using workshop prompts and shared these stories with each other.

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Martha Carter Talks About Her Healing Journey - Part 2

How the decision to remove her Harrington rods pushed Martha Carter to deal with buried emotions.

After I made the decision to have my Harrington rods removed, I experienced a huge flood of emotions. I had a flashback to my first surgery. The doctors and my family commenting how “strong” and “brave” I was. How I never cried.

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