Principles and Philosophies of Somatic Education

As I become more experienced practicing and teaching Somatics, I am excited to understand that this profound system of neuromuscular reprogramming can enrich a lifetime of movement. Regardless of age, ability or experience, this technique can be accessible and helpful for living with optimal ease and mobility. Going beyond western medicine’s tendency to separate mind and body, Hanna understood that because all living somas are self-moving and self-experiencing sensory-motor systems, there is no reason for us to ever lose control of our physicality. Barring a disabling illness or accident, somas should only improve with age, rather than degenerate. In fact, his technique is revolutionary as it can teach each person how to achieve and maintain control of their physical and cognitive abilities throughout their life.

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New Scoliosis Research: Martha Carter speaks with Kristen Fay Gorman

Recently, Martha Carter caught up with Kristen Fay Gorman by phone to find out about her latest scoliosis research findings (nine years after Martha's original visit to Kristen's lab to see the guppies with scoliosis!). The result is a fascinating look at the questions, quandries, explorations, and discoveries that Kristen and her team have been working with most recently in the area of scoliosis research. While there may be no known cause or cure for scoliosis yet - there is definitely hope!

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